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Below are listed the column, or field names, that SARK/SAIL uses together with their associated help texts

MessageKey Message Text Message Help Text
abstimeout Call Timeout (seconds) Use this value to set an absolute time limit for outbound calls. The default is 3600 seconds (1 hour) and the maximum permitted value is 99999 seconds (about 28 hours). After the timer expires, the call will be put on-hook by the system.
action Action Firewall Action - usually ACCEPT but see the shorewall documentation for other options
active Active? Activate or de-activate this object
agent Agent Agent number (allocated by SARK)
agentact State Agent State (active/inactive)
agentext Extension Agent extension (if logged in)
agentname Name Agent Name
agentpasswd Password The agents login password. It should be 4 digits.
agentqueuename Queue Call Queue that this agent will receive calls from.
agentstart Agent Start Agent number from which SARK will begin allocating agents.
alert Diagnostic Alerts Set to none,email,sms or both
alertinfo Alert-info string Use this field to specify distinctive ring data for the sip header. This is phone specific so you will need to read up on your phone type.
allowhashxfer Allow hash transfer Set this to enabled if you want SARK to recognise a hash (pound) key press as a transfer request. Unless you are supporting POTS phones, it is recommended you leave this flag disabled.
alternate Alternate Route to remote Host Specify an alternative if this route is unavailable. This is for desktop-to-desktop links using short dials. If the short dial link fails, you can specify a full-dial alternate. (e.g. IAX link to 5525 is down so dial 441924405525 over PSTN).
appspan Span The Span of your custom app... Your app can be included into the inbound call path, the outbound call path, both inbound and outbound or neither. SARK will automatically generate the correct includes for you based upon the setting you choose here.
astdlim Asterisk delimiter ). If you are running Asterisk 1.6 then choose the comma(,).
astfiledate create date Date the file was created
astfilename Filename The filename
attemptrestart Attempt Asterisk restart after failure? If set to YES, the SARK diagnostic routine will attempt a restart of Asterisk if it detects a failure. The parameter has no effect in HA systems. Default=NO.
auth Auth Does this route require the user to enter a pin number in order to use it.
authnum Authorized Number Telephone number you wish to authorize for callback.
backchan Back Channel Channel to use for the Call back.
beginclosed Beginning of Closed Period Select the start time of your closed segment.
blindbusy Bounce busy destination Alternative destination if a bounce returns to a busy sender.
bouncealert Alert-Info for Blind Xfer Bounce Use this field to specify distinctive ring data for the sip header. This is phone specific so you will need to read up on your phone type.
callerid Caller ID Caller ID. You may be able to change this depending upon the sending device and the carrier rules.
calleridname Caller Name This is what the phone will send in the callerid (name) variable. It is usually set to the user name or to some department function. Do not put spaces in this field because some phones do not handle spaces well.
callgroup Number Name (extension number) of this call group
callprogress Call Progress? Force an early ringback tone.
callrecord1 Call Recording System Default Set the global recording preferences you want. This can be overriden at the individual call group or extension.
callstate State Shows the device state at the time the screen was rendered
camponqonoff Campon mini-queue ON/OFF Turn the camp-on feature ON and OFF
camponqopt Campon mini-queue options Camp-on uses standard asterisk queues. You can set the queue parameters as you wish using this field.
carrier Carrier This is either the SIP or IAX carrier name or the technology type (e.g. mISDN or Dahdi).
carriertype Type Denotes the class of trunk (e.g. VOIP, PSTN etc.)
cdialstring Custom Dial String Use only for custom devices
cdr Log CDR to MySQL Set to yes if you want Sark/SAIL to log cdrs to MySQL (as well as the normal cdr-csv file). This will allow you to use the Areski Stats package to analyze your CDR records.
cfbs CFBS Call forward on busy or no answer
cfbscl CFBSCL Call forward on busy or no answer when closed
cfbsop CFBSOP Call forward on busy or no answer when open
cfim CFIM Call Forward Immediate
cfimcl CFIMCL Call Forward Immediate when closed
cfimop CFIMOP Call Forward Immediate when open
cgroup Callgroup
classmask Class Dial Plan Enter the Class Dial Plan in standard Asterisk dial plan format. For example if you want a class that will handle all 5 digit and longer inbound numbers then you might enter _XXXX. Similarly, for a CLID class handler; if you wanted to create a class to handle all calls from UK mobiles (which always have numbers beginning 07) you might enter _07X.
clidstart Caller ID Caller ID of the calling telephone.
closeroute Closed The CLOSED\" inbound route. Route which will be used by the inbound route manager to process calls from this trunk when the system is \"Closed\" (i.e. in night mode).\"
cluster Tenant This is the name of the Tenant which this object belongs to. If you specified no Tenant then SARK will use the default Tenant. Tenants are used to provide multi-tenant support within SARK.
clusterstart Tenant support ON/OFF Turn ON/OFF multi tenant support
compression CODEC [FIDELITY,THRUPUT,g729] Sark/SAIL will attempt to minimise CODEC transcoding using this value. If you choose Fidelity it will enforce g711(law) coding where it can. If you choose Thruput\" it will use g729 if it is available
conftype Conference Type Choose from assisted or unassisted conferences.
context Context Name The name of the context you want your custom app to run in. This must be system-wide unique.
copy Copy Copy from an existing Device entry
cosclosed Default Closed Defines whether this COS will be ON by default for closed hours when new extensions are created.
cosdialplan Dialplan The dialplan pattern for this class-of-service. COS dialplans follow standard Asterisk dialplan conventions.
cosname COS Name System-wide unique name for this class-of-service rule.
cosopen Default Open Defines whether this COS will be ON by default for open hours when new extensions are created.
cosstart Class Of Service ON/OFF Whether we will run COS or not. SARK Class of Service is very powerful but if you dont intend to use it then you can save a little cpu by turning it off.
country Your Country Identifier Enter your country of operation.
countrycode Country Code Set to the correct code for your country. This will control the tones which Asterisk generates for busy, ringback, congestion etc.
datemonth Date Day date when this segment is active (asterisk * means any date).
defaultclosed Defaultclosed Set this to YES if you want all new extensions to be created with this closed restriction
defaultopen Defaultopen Set this to YES if you want all new extensions to be created with this open restriction
desc Display name The username which SARK will set in either sip.conf or iax.conf for this end-point.
description Description Freeform description string
device Device This is the device type from SARKs IP Device database. It is used to provide the provisioning template.
devicerec RecOpts Recording options for this object.
dhcp DHCP_LAN Default YES; set this to NO if you want to set your own IP address
dialplan Dialplan Route dialplan. The dialplan consists of the set of numbers and number patterns that this route will be sensitive to. (e.g. _0XXX. 100 _XXXXX) Arguments are separated by whitespace.
didend DiD End End DiD (DDI) for this group (its perfectly fine to allocate only a single number).
didstart DiD Start Beginning DiD (DDI) for this group (its perfectly fine to allocate only a single number).
disapass DISA Password 4 digit DISA password. Set this ONLY if you intend this trunk to be dedicated to DISA.
displayname Legend String which will appear alongside the target object (or inside a widget) whenever it is displayed by SARK.
dns DNS_LAN Set this to a valid value for your network
dvrvmail Deliver Vmail to Number of the voice mailbox you wish to have voicemail delivered to.
edomain External IP Address This field should usually only be filled out if you are running server-only behind a NATed firewall. It forces Asterisk to include the correct return IP address in outbound packets. Without it, Asterisk will use the local server IP address and effectively spoof\" itself.\"
emailalert Email Alert Addresses Administrator email address
emergency EMERGENCY Use this field to set your Emergency number (e.g. 911, 999, 112). This is used by Class of Service and becomes part of the always-available\" set of dialable numbers.\"
endclosed End of Closed Period Select the end time of your closed segment.
ext Extension Extension Number
extalert Alert-info string Alert-info alters the SIP header sent to the device. It is usually used to send a request to play a distinctive ring-tone. The actual contect of the header varies from device to device.
externalip Registration URI for remote phones Only applies to remote phones that you wish to provision from the SARK http provisioning server. This will be the remote (i.e. SARK) URI.
extlen Extension Length SARK can have extension numbers of 3 or 4 digits. However, you can only change the length when there are no extensions defined to the system (i.e. at system inception).
fax Autosense FAX Extension Endpoint to send Autosensed faxes to.
faxdetect FAX Detect Delay How long to delay an inbound analogue call on a shared voice/fax line while we wait for Asterisk to decide if it has a fax or not.
faxonoff Fax detect
filesize Size Filesize
filetype type File type
foppass 4-digit Password for FOP Ops Self explanatory
fwdest Dest Packet Destination - usually $FW (meaning inbound through the firewall)
fwdestports DEST Ports Destination ports - a comma separated list of the port(s) you want to open; e.g. 5060,4569. For a port-range use a colon; 10000:20000
fwproto PROTO Protocol(tcp,udp)
fwsource Source Packet Source - usually either; net if you want to open a port completely (not recommended) or net:ipaddr(/cidr) if you want to open an ip or an ip range
gatewayip GATEWAY_LAN Set this to a valid value for your network
greeting Greeting Number Greeting number that this IVR uses.
greetingnum Number The 4-digit greeting number
groupstring Target Numbers The extensions in this callgroup. It can consist of extensions, call groups or external numbers separated by whitespace, e.g. 553 554 924018076
grouptype Type The group type; ring, hunt etc...
haautofailback HA Auto-Failback Turn auto failback on/off in the HA environment.
haclusterip HA IP Address The HA virtual IP address
haprinode HA Primary Node (uname -n) HA primary node name (given by uname -r)
hasecnode HA Failover Node (uname -n) HA secondary node name (given by uname -r)
hasynch HA Synch Mode HA synch mode lazy or loose. Loose means no synch.
hausecluster Provision with Cluster IP? Generate provisioning files using the Cluster virtual IP rather than the node ip.
header Asterisk Filename Name of the Asterisk control file for this header
headlocation L/R Local or remote. Denotes whether the phone will run inside or outside the local firewall. If it is outside then SARK will use symmetrical RTP.
host URI/IP address Enter the URI or the IP address of the target host.
includetenants Tenants to Include This is a list of tenants (separated by whitespace) that extensions within this tenant will be allowed to dial using their regular three, or four digit extension numbers. By default, tenants can not dial one anothers phones in this way.
inprefix Add CLI Prefix Allows you to add a CLI prefix. This is because many carriers do not send the NDD character (usually zero). This allows you to add it back.
internal_fieldname Name The internal name which SARK uses to track this object
intringdelay Default Ring Time(seconds) How long we will ring an internal phone before taking some outcome (usually voicemail).
ipaddr IP Address The IP Address of the end-point.
ivrname IVR Name IVR keyfield
key1 \" Caller presses 1
keytime Timeout Action What happens if caller presses no key
latency Latency The latency of the end-point (i.e. the time taken for Asterisk to receive a response to an IP request).
lclvoipmax Max LOCAL VOIP Calls Maximum local VoIP calls we will allow (this does not include extension to extension calls) but does include Sibling calls over locally connected PBXs).
line Line Usually the Subscriber number the carrier has allocated to you. However it may also be a DiD(or DDI) number and sometimes the account name or number (in the case of some VOIP trunks).
localIP Local IP Local subnet IP address
localhost Local Host Name This is the local hostname - i.e somehost
location Local/Remote Local or remote. Denotes whether the phone will run inside or outside the local firewall. If it is outside then SARK will use symmetrical RTP.
logopts Logging Options Logging options native usbstick ramdisk. This should be left to deafult unless you are running a diskless PBX. setting this value incorrectly can lead to serious data loss
lterm Late Termination If you set this value to YES, SARK will attempt to terminate inbound calls as late as it can in the switching process (i.e. when the target extension goes off hook). This is not always possible, or desireable and it can sometimes cause loss of ringback tone during complex switching operations such as internal/external call forking.
macaddr MAC address The MAC address of the end-point. The MAC address is used by SARKs autoprovisioning routines.
match Line Pre-select 2 digit pre-select code (must be systemwide unique)
misdnrun mISDN Driver Enable or disable the mISDN drivers from being loaded at system start-up.
moh MOH instead of Ringtone Play Music-on-Hold rather than the more usual ringback tone to the caller.
monitor Monitor this resource Set this to YES if you want the diagnostic routines to watch this resource.
month Month Month Date when this segment is active (asterisk * means any month).
mtime Multitimer Enable or disable the MTIME server. The MTIME server can save significant CPU if you have defined multiple timers in the automation panel on your system.
netmask NETMASK_LAN Set this to the correct value for your subnet
new New Button Text
nrdigits Auto create alias digits Used to set the number of auto-create digits for number aliasing. This feature was useful before SARK supported both 3 and 4 digit extensions.
obeydnd Obey DND? If set to YES dont ring phones that are in DND
openfirewall Create Firewall Rule? If you specify YES then SARK will cretae a firewall rule for this url
openroute Open The OPEN\" inbound route. Route which will be used by the inbound route manager to process calls from this trunk when the system is \"Open\".\"
operator System Operator(default 0) The system operator. The key press you wish to use to contact the operator (default is zero).
orideclosed Override Set this to YES if you want to force ALL extensions to have closed restriction
orideopen Override Set this to YES if you want to force ALL extensions to have this open restriction
outcome Outcome Where the call will be delivered if the call group fails to terminate the call.
password Password The password for this IP Carrier account, called the secret\" in Asterisk sip.conf amd iax.conf.\"
path1 Path 1 You can specify up to 4 paths (1 primary and up to 3 failover) in descending order of priority.
path2 Path 2 You can specify up to 4 paths (1 primary and up to 3 failover) in descending order of priority.
path3 Path 3 You can specify up to 4 paths (1 primary and up to 3 failover) in descending order of priority.
path4 Path 4 You can specify up to 4 paths (1 primary and up to 3 failover) in descending order of priority.
peername Asterisk peer This is the Asterisk sip.conf or iax.conf [peer] label which appears in square brackets above the peer cadenza. By default, SARK allocates a unique name to each peer but you can override it if you wish.
pgroup Pickup Group
playbeep Play tone on Failover If set to YES a beep tone will be played whenever the system fails over a trunk call to a secondary provider. If set to NO, no tone will be played.
playbusy Play tone on Busy If set to YES the PBX will come off-hook and play a busy tone, if set to NO the PBX will stay on-hook and play a busy message, if set to SIGNAL a BUSY signal will be sent to the ua.
playcongested Play tone on Congested If set to YES the PBX will come off-hook and play a congestion tone, if set to NO the PBX will stay on-hook and play a congestion message, if set to SIGNAL a CONGESTION signal will be sent to the ua.
playsound Play
port Port The port which this end-point is using to receive SIP packets.
postdial Dial String Lead-out Used to construct the trailing part of the dial for this technology.
predial Dial String Lead-in Used to construct the beginning part of the dial for this technology. For example, to use misdn TE p2p group dial you might specify mISDN/g:TEPP (see the mISDN setup guides at http://www.misdn.org).
prefix Dial Prefix Use this if you need to have SARK dial a line-seize digit or some other pre-dial string during call back to an authorized number.
preselect Seize Two digit Seize\" code. By prepending your call with the seize code you can override the normal call-routing and force a call to use this channel.\"
privileged Priv Denotes whether this trunk is running in privileged mode or unprivileged mode. You can generally leave this to default unless you are consolidating T1/E1 circuits or handshaking with legacy equipment.
provisioning Provisioning Header
proxy Dynamic Proxy Enable Enables/disables SARKs dynamic proxy feature (see extensions panel status field).
proxyignore Proxy Ignore List Some applications can be disrupted by the Dynamic Proxy processor. By placing their relative urls in this list, they will be specifically bypassed by the proxy processor.
queueactagents Active Agents Number of active agents
queuename Queue System wide unique queue name
queueoptions Options Asterisk Queue options
recqdither Queue Search Dither How far SARK will tolerate a time slip on a potential queuelog match. Expressed in seconds.
recqitdelay Recording Daemon sleep time Daemon sleep time in seconds
recqsearchlim Queue search limit How far SARK will read backwards up the queuelog looking to match a queue entry with an extension.
register Registration String Used to provide a registration string if your carrier requires it
remotenum DiD Number The subscriber number which will be presented to us by this trunk (technically, the Dialled Number ID, or DNID).
rev Version SAIL rpm Version number
ringdelay Ring Time (seconds) The number of seconds that we will ring the end-point before taking an outcome.
route Route Route name - must be system-wide unique.
routedesc Description Free form description
rule Extension Number Extension Number. This is the system internal extension number. It can be 3 or 4 digits in length and it is set in globals(EXTLEN). SARK will set this value to the first unused extension number it can find, however you can override this if you wish.
runfop Flash Operator Panel Enables/disables the FOP server. The FOP server is quite heavy on resource and it can cause big CPU spikes on a small system. Disable it to save CPU.
s-peername Sibling or Trunk name For Siblings enter the linux hostname of the Sibling machine. For SIP-to-SIP type links enter the SIP peername.
sarkPCImsg1 Error occurred during DAHDI generation. Message
searchpath DNS Search Path The serach path is optional. If you wish to use it then set it to the correct value for your network (see man resolv.conf)
sipiaxpeer Sip Peer entry
sipiaxstart Extension Start Number Extension number from which SARK will begin allocating extensions. Set extension length (EXTLEN in Globals) before you set this value.
sipiaxuser SIP user entry
sipiaxusername Asterisk User This is the Asterisk sip.conf or iax.conf type=user label which appears in square brackets above the user cadenza
sipmulticast PnP Provisioning? Enable this to provide multicast support for provisioning
this is used by phones from manufacturers such as Snom, Yealink and GIgaset 
skin Skin Sets the CSS for from the ones available in the drop down.
smartlink Smartlink If set to yes, then SARK will attempt to match the last digits of the DiD with an extension number. If it finds a match it will automatically create a routing for the DiD to the extension.
smsalert SMS Alert Numbers One or more numbers which will receive sms alerts in the event of a diagnostic alert.
smsc SMSC Pathway Pathway to your carriers SMS hub (if they have one). This is specified as a formal asterisk channel name. As an example, the BT sms hub might be specified as follows...
source Source Source of the tooltip help (either Core (from the SARK tt DB) or User (from the user tt DB).
spypass 4-digit Password for Agent Spy Password used to validate spy requests.
strunk Analogue inbound trunk Used to route inbound analogue calls
subnet1 allow subnet (CIDR) A subnet in CIDR format from which you want to accept packets for this trunk
subnet2 allow subnet (CIDR) A subnet in CIDR format from which you want to accept packets for this trunk
supemail Supervisor Email Supervisor email address
swoclip Switch on CLIP
sysop Operator Real Extension The operator endpoint. This is used by SARK as the endpoint of last resort so it is important that you point this at a real endpoint.
syspass 4-digit Password for KEY Ops Password used for privileged key operations (such as recording a greeting or putting the system into night mode).
tag Alpha Tag Alpha tagging allows you to send a short character string to the phone. Most phones will display this tag\" when they receive it.\"
technology Technology The Asterisk technology\" type (e.g. SIP
tenantname Tenant The name of the Tenant. It should be system-wide unique.
tenantoperator Operator The extension which will serve as the operator for this Tenant.
tftp TFTP Server Enable or disable the tftp server. This can save memory in a small system if you are not using provisioning
timespan Time Span Time when this segment is active (asterisk * means any time).
transform Transformation mask Used to transform numbers using value comparisons and proceeding left to right... xx:xx xx:xx. Nulls in the left operand result in addition. Nulls in the right operand result in suppression.
trunkname Name This is a name you can give to the trunk to help identify it.
username Username The username for this IP Carrier account
version Version THis is the SAIL version number. You may need this when dealing with Tech Support.
vmailfwd User to receive email notifications Set this to the email address of the user if you want Asterisk to send voicemails as encapsulated attachments in an e-mail. This is often called unified messaging.
voiceinstr Voicemail Instructions Setting this value to YES will cause voicemail to play the long instruction message. Setting it to NO plays the short version.
voipmax Max Outbound VOIP calls Maximum number of concurrent VOIP outbound calls the system will allow before failing over to other pathways. This number should be set well below the bandwidth threshold of your Internet circuit.
vringdelay Induced VoIP Ring Delay Allows you place an artificial ring-back tone delay onto a VOIP circuit. Voip circuits do not naturally ring\". This feature will generate a ring-back tone for the number of seconds specified. Usually
weekday Day Day of the week when this segment is active (asterisk * means any day).
xmpp XMPP Enable/Disable XMPP
xmppserv XMPP server XMPP server URI
ztp Zero Touch Provisioning Enable this to provide Zero Touch Provisioning
You must also have PnP Provisioning enabled with this option