SARK V4.0.0 Introduction

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SARK V4.0.0 is a lightweight TDM & Voip PBX for the SMB/SME market segment. It is based upon Digium's Asterisk switching platform. SARK V4.0.0 will run on any of the following platforms:-

  • Debian Wheezy/Jessie/Stretch (i386, amd64, armel)
  • Aelintra's embedded S200 (ARM) platform

The product has established a reputation for being easy-to-use with a very small footprint while being functionally able to compete with traditional proprietary PBX offerings at a much lower overall cost-of-ownership.

SARK background

SARK has been around in one for or another since 2006. In V2 & V3 it became apparent that the idea of scrollable tables becomes unwieldy with high numbers of endpoints. With some of our customers having more than 1100 extensions on a single system we needed a better way to handle these large tables. In the end we decided to make use of jquery to provide fast, sortable, searchable tables with ajax cell update where practical. We also received a lot of requests from customers to provide limited admin capabilities for differing levels of user so we added an admin user page which allows the superadmin to create other admin users, with varying levels of authority. In 4.0.1 this was further extended to allow individual end-users to easily manage their voicemail and BLF phone features (Aastra, CiscoSpa, Polycom, snom and Yealink) from their own login screen. In V5 the front-end was rewritten to better exploit client-side functionality, mainly using JQuery. In V6 the front-end was rewritten again to exploit W3CSS which enabled the intelligent use of a variety of screen sizes including tablets and smartphones. The upcoming V7 we have rewritten the C code backend to better serve our larger multi-tenant clients. Among other things, V7 allows overlapping extension ranges between tenants.

V4 screenshots

basic layout

Here are a few screenshots from V4, (V4.0.1 and later is slightly different).

V4 trunks layout.png

here is an example of an update to a trunk destination. Simply double-click on the cell to perform an update

V4 trunks update.png

User admin screen

V4 users layout.png

By clicking on "Scope" for a user you can set which screens they can see in their menu

V4 users update.png


Sail v4.0 can be installed on a wide range of Distros and platforms. See the installations noptes for your platform in the wiki.