SARK V4.0.0 Wakeup
SARK Wakeup call is primarily intended for hotel applications but it can be used anywhere a wakeup call is required.
Schedule a wakeup
To schedule the wakeup call touch *24*; the auto-attendant will ask you to enter a 4 digit call time. This can be in 12 hour or 24 hour format. For instance, to schedule a wakeup call for 7:30PM you can enter either 1930 or 0730. If you enter 0730, the attendant will ask if it is AM or PM. The auto-attendant will confirm back you wakeup call-time in 12 hour format (e.g. 7:30 AM).
Cancel a wakeup call
Once you've scheduled a call, you can cancel it by touching *24*. The attendant will ask if you wish to schedule a second wakeup call or cancel an existing one. It will then lead you through each call you have scheduled and give you the opportunity to cancel it.
Schedule a wakeup call as an administrator
Touch *24*+extn (e.g. to schedule a wakeup for extension 345; touch *24*345). The auto-attendant will request the system password (SYSPASS in globals panel). Once you have entered the password correctly, the call will proceed as above.
Cancel a wakeup call as an administrator
Touch *24*+extn(e.g. to cancel a wakeup for extension 345; touch *24*345). The auto-attendant will request the system password (SYSPASS in globals panel). Once you have entered the password correctly, the call will proceed as above.
What happens when the wakeup call is made
Initially, your wakeup call will ring for 60 seconds. If you do not pick up, it will try twice more before giving up.
When you pick-up your wakeup call; the auto-attendant will give you the option of a 10 minute "snooze". Do this by touching 1 on the telephone keypad. Otherwise just hang up to complete the call.
NOTE for SAIL users
Wakeup call needs the asterisk additional language pack for some of its phrases. You can download this from the Asterisk web site or just grab the actual sound files you need. There is a list in the next section.
Asterisk Phrases used by wakeup call
In order for wakeup call to function correctly you must have all of these phrases installed on your system.
1-for-am-2-for-pm auth-thankyou digits/10 digits/a-m digits/hundred digits/oh digits/p-m enter-a-time extension for for-wakeup-call goodbye minutes not-rqsted-wakeup otherwise-press please-try-again press-1 press-2 rqsted-wakeup-for this-is-yr-wakeup-call to-cancel-wakeup to-confirm-wakeup to-rqst-wakeup-call to-snooze-for wakeup-call-cancelled welcome