Beta V3R2
Beta 3.2.x Quick Start notes.
SARK 3.2.0 is delivered as a series of Redhat RPMs ready to be installed onto an existing SME server 8.x; (i.e RHEL5 kernel releases beginning kernel-2.6.18-164.15.1.el5 or higher).
N.B. SAIL 3.2 should NOT be installed with any release of Asterisk prior to 1.4.30. The recommended major Asterisk release is 1.8
Beta 3.2.x Major differences
- private web server (srk-httpd)
- https
- the web application is at 8443 (e.g.
- uses mod-perl
- has its own authorization routines.
- default user-id/password is admin asterisk (from onwards)
- AGI dynamic trace/debug (previously this was a compile option)
- 'Runit' used on main services instead of init.d
- srk-httpd
- Responder (SIP broadcast listener)
- Helper task (srkhelpd)
- there are init.d wrappers for sark and srk-httpd so /etc/init.d still works
- IVR extension listener
- when turned on, the IVR DTMF processor will listen for extension dials as well as IVR options
- True dynamic call queues
- No more AgentCallBackLogin
- GUI has not changed, you still add agents but no agents.conf is created
- Supports agent pause/unpause (*63*/*64*) for Ast 1.6/1.8
- Queuelog entries are the same format as before (for Qmetrics compatibility)
- Still uses the local channel so call recording (including pause/resume) is the same
- Works in Asterisk 1.4/1.6/1.8
- New tenant & extension control features
- set max number of outbound channels per tenant
- set abstimeout per tenant or per extension
- when abstimeout=0 the tenant/extension is barred from outbound calling
- Sark will hangup any running calls for the tenant/extension when abstimeout goes to 0
Installation Sequence on SME Server 8.x
SARK UCS/MVP runs on a fork of Centos known as SME Server. You can download the SME Server distro from HERE
SME installation is straightforward and the SME wiki contains a full graphical walkthrough of a typical install HERE
Asterisk Installation
To install the Digium rpms you must first define the Digium repos to SME Server. At the linux command prompt type the following (it's probably best to cut and paste the two multi-line commands):-
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set asterisk-current repository \
Name 'CentOS-$releasever - Asterisk - Current' \
BaseURL '$releasever/current/$basearch/' \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck no \
GPGKey \
Visible no \
Exclude freetype,htop,iptraf,rsync,syslinux \
status disabled
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set digium-current repository \
Name 'CentOS-$releasever - Digium - Current' \
BaseURL '$releasever/current/$basearch/' \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck no \
GPGKey \
Visible no \
Exclude freetype,htop,iptraf,rsync,syslinux \
status disabled
signal-event yum-modify
This should generate the necessary repos in /etc/yum.smerepos.d/sme-base.repo
You can now go ahead and install asterisk with the following command...
yum install asterisk18 asterisk18-configs asterisk18-voicemail dahdi-linux dahdi-tools asterisk18-addons-mysql --enablerepo=*
This command will queue some 20 or so rpms for installation. It may also include a new kernel if your kernel is older than the one that Asterisk wants. If a new kernel is installed then you will need to reboot your system to pick it up. In any event it is good practice after a large install to do
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
SAIL V3R2 Installation
This is broadly similar to a 3.1 install. To begin, install the necessary ancillary modules from the download site
rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh
Now you can install sail itself. Create a directory to save it in
mkdir /home/software cd /home/software
Now download sail and smesailenv
wget wget
Now you can install it with
yum localinstall *
Finish off with
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
Default Login
after the reboot you should find sail at
The default user is admin and the default password is asterisk
If you have installed asterisk 1.8 then you should go to System->Globals->Admin and set the Asterisk delimiter to ',' (comma). The install is complete.