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(New page: SARK V3.1.0 - Wiki Pages SARK V3.1.0 is a lightweight TDM & Voip PBX for the SMB/SME market segment. It is based upon Digium's Asterisk switching platform running on the SME Server or Ce...)
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Revision as of 20:25, 6 May 2011

SARK V3.1.0 - Wiki Pages

SARK V3.1.0 is a lightweight TDM & Voip PBX for the SMB/SME market segment. It is based upon Digium's Asterisk switching platform running on the SME Server or Centos/Redhat EL5 Linux platforms. With several thousand users world-wide, the product has established a reputation for being easy-to-use, small, fast and functionally able to compete with traditional proprietary PBX offerings at a much lower overall cost-of-ownership.

SARK V3.1.0 is delivered as a series of Redhat RPMs ready to be installed onto an existing SME server 8.x; (i.e RHEL5 kernel releases beginning kernel-2.6.18-164.15.1.el5 or higher) or as a ready to install .iso image.

The commercial version of the software is marketed under the SARK and <NoOp>ManX brandnames. The free-to-download version is called SAIL (SARK Asterisk Integration Layer). The main difference between SAIL and the commercial versions is that SARK UCS/MVP and <NoOp>ManX are supported by Aelintra Telecom Limited while SAIL is supported by the community.

SARK V3.1.0 is distributed under the terms of the GPL and other licenses. It can be downloaded as a complete self-installing iso image or as an RPM for existing SME Server & EL5 (Centos or Redhat) users. Below is an overview of SARK V3.1.0, what it does and how you use it.